the amazon
WAM works in Brazil's Amazonas state, the largest state in the country and home to about 3 million people, 2 million of whom live in Manaus, the capital city. While most of the state's population lives in cities, there are small villages and farms spread across the interior, especially along the Amazon River. There are also several Indian tribes in the state.
According to IBGE (the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), there are:
- 61.2% Catholics​
- 32.1% Protestants
- 6.2% of no religious affiliation
- 0.4% spiritists
- 0.1% of other religions
One of the best ways to reach the interior is through television, as most homes have satellite TV. In 2012, the Christmas show Sonho de Natal reached the entire state with the Gospel, broadcast live for free on Rede Amazonica, the state's primary channel.
WAM has also worked with church plants in the interior, building new churches in small communities.